
This file, together with the shader demo.glsl, shows how the API provided in model.h can be used in practice. It implements the Demo class whose header is defined in demo.h (note that most of the following code is independent of our atmosphere model. The only part which is related to it is the InitModel method).

#include "atmosphere/demo/demo.h"

#include <glad/glad.h>
#include <GL/freeglut.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace atmosphere {
namespace demo {

Our demo application renders a simple scene made of a purely spherical planet and a large sphere (of 1km radius) lying on it. This scene is displayed by rendering a full screen quad, with a fragment shader computing the color of each pixel by "ray tracing" (which is very simple here because the scene consists of only two spheres). The vertex shader is thus very simple, and is provided in the following constant. The fragment shader is more complex, and is defined in the separate file demo.glsl (which is included here as a string literal via the generated file

namespace {

constexpr double kPi = 3.1415926;
constexpr double kSunAngularRadius = 0.00935 / 2.0;
constexpr double kSunSolidAngle = kPi * kSunAngularRadius * kSunAngularRadius;
constexpr double kLengthUnitInMeters = 1000.0;

const char kVertexShader[] = R"(
    #version 330
    uniform mat4 model_from_view;
    uniform mat4 view_from_clip;
    layout(location = 0) in vec4 vertex;
    out vec3 view_ray;
    void main() {
      view_ray =
          (model_from_view * vec4((view_from_clip * vertex).xyz, 0.0)).xyz;
      gl_Position = vertex;

#include "atmosphere/demo/"

static std::map<int, Demo*> INSTANCES;

}  // anonymous namespace

The class constructor is straightforward and completely independent of our atmosphere model (which is initialized in the separate method InitModel). It's main role is to create the demo window, to set up the event handler callbacks (it does so in such a way that several Demo instances can be created at the same time, using the INSTANCES global variable), and to create the vertex buffers and the text renderer that will be used to render the scene and the help messages:

Demo::Demo(int viewport_width, int viewport_height) :
    exposure_(10.0) {
  glutInitWindowSize(viewport_width, viewport_height);
  window_id_ = glutCreateWindow("Atmosphere Demo");
  INSTANCES[window_id_] = this;
  if (!gladLoadGL()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("GLAD initialization failed");
  if (!GLAD_GL_VERSION_3_3) {
    throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL 3.3 or higher is required");

  glutDisplayFunc([]() {
  glutReshapeFunc([](int width, int height) {
    INSTANCES[glutGetWindow()]->HandleReshapeEvent(width, height);
  glutKeyboardFunc([](unsigned char key, int x, int y) {
  glutMouseFunc([](int button, int state, int x, int y) {
    INSTANCES[glutGetWindow()]->HandleMouseClickEvent(button, state, x, y);
  glutMotionFunc([](int x, int y) {
    INSTANCES[glutGetWindow()]->HandleMouseDragEvent(x, y);
  glutMouseWheelFunc([](int button, int dir, int x, int y) {

  glGenVertexArrays(1, &full_screen_quad_vao_);
  glGenBuffers(1, &full_screen_quad_vbo_);
  glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, full_screen_quad_vbo_);
  const GLfloat vertices[] = {
    -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
    +1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
    -1.0, +1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
    +1.0, +1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
  glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof vertices, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
  constexpr GLuint kAttribIndex = 0;
  constexpr int kCoordsPerVertex = 4;
  glVertexAttribPointer(kAttribIndex, kCoordsPerVertex, GL_FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

  text_renderer_.reset(new TextRenderer);


The destructor is even simpler:

Demo::~Demo() {
  glDeleteBuffers(1, &full_screen_quad_vbo_);
  glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &full_screen_quad_vao_);

The "real" initialization work, which is specific to our atmosphere model, is done in the following method. It starts with the creation of an atmosphere Model instance, with parameters corresponding to the Earth atmosphere:

void Demo::InitModel() {
  // Values from "Reference Solar Spectral Irradiance: ASTM G-173", ETR column
  // (see,
  // summed and averaged in each bin (e.g. the value for 360nm is the average
  // of the ASTM G-173 values for all wavelengths between 360 and 370nm).
  // Values in W.m^-2.
  constexpr int kLambdaMin = 360;
  constexpr int kLambdaMax = 830;
  constexpr double kSolarIrradiance[48] = {
    1.11776, 1.14259, 1.01249, 1.14716, 1.72765, 1.73054, 1.6887, 1.61253,
    1.91198, 2.03474, 2.02042, 2.02212, 1.93377, 1.95809, 1.91686, 1.8298,
    1.8685, 1.8931, 1.85149, 1.8504, 1.8341, 1.8345, 1.8147, 1.78158, 1.7533,
    1.6965, 1.68194, 1.64654, 1.6048, 1.52143, 1.55622, 1.5113, 1.474, 1.4482,
    1.41018, 1.36775, 1.34188, 1.31429, 1.28303, 1.26758, 1.2367, 1.2082,
    1.18737, 1.14683, 1.12362, 1.1058, 1.07124, 1.04992
  // Values from
  // referencespectra/o3spectra2011/index.html for 233K, summed and averaged in
  // each bin (e.g. the value for 360nm is the average of the original values
  // for all wavelengths between 360 and 370nm). Values in m^2.
  constexpr double kOzoneCrossSection[48] = {
    1.18e-27, 2.182e-28, 2.818e-28, 6.636e-28, 1.527e-27, 2.763e-27, 5.52e-27,
    8.451e-27, 1.582e-26, 2.316e-26, 3.669e-26, 4.924e-26, 7.752e-26, 9.016e-26,
    1.48e-25, 1.602e-25, 2.139e-25, 2.755e-25, 3.091e-25, 3.5e-25, 4.266e-25,
    4.672e-25, 4.398e-25, 4.701e-25, 5.019e-25, 4.305e-25, 3.74e-25, 3.215e-25,
    2.662e-25, 2.238e-25, 1.852e-25, 1.473e-25, 1.209e-25, 9.423e-26, 7.455e-26,
    6.566e-26, 5.105e-26, 4.15e-26, 4.228e-26, 3.237e-26, 2.451e-26, 2.801e-26,
    2.534e-26, 1.624e-26, 1.465e-26, 2.078e-26, 1.383e-26, 7.105e-27
  // From, in molecules.m^-2.
  constexpr double kDobsonUnit = 2.687e20;
  // Maximum number density of ozone molecules, in m^-3 (computed so at to get
  // 300 Dobson units of ozone - for this we divide 300 DU by the integral of
  // the ozone density profile defined below, which is equal to 15km).
  constexpr double kMaxOzoneNumberDensity = 300.0 * kDobsonUnit / 15000.0;
  // Wavelength independent solar irradiance "spectrum" (not physically
  // realistic, but was used in the original implementation).
  constexpr double kConstantSolarIrradiance = 1.5;
  constexpr double kBottomRadius = 6360000.0;
  constexpr double kTopRadius = 6420000.0;
  constexpr double kRayleigh = 1.24062e-6;
  constexpr double kRayleighScaleHeight = 8000.0;
  constexpr double kMieScaleHeight = 1200.0;
  constexpr double kMieAngstromAlpha = 0.0;
  constexpr double kMieAngstromBeta = 5.328e-3;
  constexpr double kMieSingleScatteringAlbedo = 0.9;
  constexpr double kMiePhaseFunctionG = 0.8;
  constexpr double kGroundAlbedo = 0.1;
  const double max_sun_zenith_angle =
      (use_half_precision_ ? 102.0 : 120.0) / 180.0 * kPi;

      rayleigh_layer(0.0, 1.0, -1.0 / kRayleighScaleHeight, 0.0, 0.0);
  DensityProfileLayer mie_layer(0.0, 1.0, -1.0 / kMieScaleHeight, 0.0, 0.0);
  // Density profile increasing linearly from 0 to 1 between 10 and 25km, and
  // decreasing linearly from 1 to 0 between 25 and 40km. This is an approximate
  // profile from
  // Documents/Introduction%20to%20atmospheric%20chemistry.pdf (page 10).
  std::vector<DensityProfileLayer> ozone_density;
      DensityProfileLayer(25000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / 15000.0, -2.0 / 3.0));
      DensityProfileLayer(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 / 15000.0, 8.0 / 3.0));

  std::vector<double> wavelengths;
  std::vector<double> solar_irradiance;
  std::vector<double> rayleigh_scattering;
  std::vector<double> mie_scattering;
  std::vector<double> mie_extinction;
  std::vector<double> absorption_extinction;
  std::vector<double> ground_albedo;
  for (int l = kLambdaMin; l <= kLambdaMax; l += 10) {
    double lambda = static_cast<double>(l) * 1e-3;  // micro-meters
    double mie =
        kMieAngstromBeta / kMieScaleHeight * pow(lambda, -kMieAngstromAlpha);
    if (use_constant_solar_spectrum_) {
    } else {
      solar_irradiance.push_back(kSolarIrradiance[(l - kLambdaMin) / 10]);
    rayleigh_scattering.push_back(kRayleigh * pow(lambda, -4));
    mie_scattering.push_back(mie * kMieSingleScatteringAlbedo);
    absorption_extinction.push_back(use_ozone_ ?
        kMaxOzoneNumberDensity * kOzoneCrossSection[(l - kLambdaMin) / 10] :

  model_.reset(new Model(wavelengths, solar_irradiance, kSunAngularRadius,
      kBottomRadius, kTopRadius, {rayleigh_layer}, rayleigh_scattering,
      {mie_layer}, mie_scattering, mie_extinction, kMiePhaseFunctionG,
      ozone_density, absorption_extinction, ground_albedo, max_sun_zenith_angle,
      kLengthUnitInMeters, use_luminance_ == PRECOMPUTED ? 15 : 3,
      use_combined_textures_, use_half_precision_));

Then, it creates and compiles the vertex and fragment shaders used to render our demo scene, and link them with the Model's atmosphere shader to get the final scene rendering program:

  vertex_shader_ = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
  const char* const vertex_shader_source = kVertexShader;
  glShaderSource(vertex_shader_, 1, &vertex_shader_source, NULL);

  const std::string fragment_shader_str =
      "#version 330\n" +
      std::string(use_luminance_ != NONE ? "#define USE_LUMINANCE\n" : "") +
      "const float kLengthUnitInMeters = " +
      std::to_string(kLengthUnitInMeters) + ";\n" +
  const char* fragment_shader_source = fragment_shader_str.c_str();
  fragment_shader_ = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
  glShaderSource(fragment_shader_, 1, &fragment_shader_source, NULL);

  if (program_ != 0) {
  program_ = glCreateProgram();
  glAttachShader(program_, vertex_shader_);
  glAttachShader(program_, fragment_shader_);
  glAttachShader(program_, model_->shader());
  glDetachShader(program_, vertex_shader_);
  glDetachShader(program_, fragment_shader_);
  glDetachShader(program_, model_->shader());

Finally, it sets the uniforms of this program that can be set once and for all (in our case this includes the Model's texture uniforms, because our demo app does not have any texture of its own):

  model_->SetProgramUniforms(program_, 0, 1, 2, 3);
  double white_point_r = 1.0;
  double white_point_g = 1.0;
  double white_point_b = 1.0;
  if (do_white_balance_) {
    Model::ConvertSpectrumToLinearSrgb(wavelengths, solar_irradiance,
        &white_point_r, &white_point_g, &white_point_b);
    double white_point = (white_point_r + white_point_g + white_point_b) / 3.0;
    white_point_r /= white_point;
    white_point_g /= white_point;
    white_point_b /= white_point;
  glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "white_point"),
      white_point_r, white_point_g, white_point_b);
  glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "earth_center"),
      0.0, 0.0, -kBottomRadius / kLengthUnitInMeters);
  glUniform2f(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "sun_size"),

  // This sets 'view_from_clip', which only depends on the window size.
  HandleReshapeEvent(glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH), glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT));

The scene rendering method simply sets the uniforms related to the camera position and to the Sun direction, and then draws a full screen quad (and optionally a help screen).

void Demo::HandleRedisplayEvent() const {
  // Unit vectors of the camera frame, expressed in world space.
  float cos_z = cos(view_zenith_angle_radians_);
  float sin_z = sin(view_zenith_angle_radians_);
  float cos_a = cos(view_azimuth_angle_radians_);
  float sin_a = sin(view_azimuth_angle_radians_);
  float ux[3] = { -sin_a, cos_a, 0.0 };
  float uy[3] = { -cos_z * cos_a, -cos_z * sin_a, sin_z };
  float uz[3] = { sin_z * cos_a, sin_z * sin_a, cos_z };
  float l = view_distance_meters_ / kLengthUnitInMeters;

  // Transform matrix from camera frame to world space (i.e. the inverse of a
  // GL_MODELVIEW matrix).
  float model_from_view[16] = {
    ux[0], uy[0], uz[0], uz[0] * l,
    ux[1], uy[1], uz[1], uz[1] * l,
    ux[2], uy[2], uz[2], uz[2] * l,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0

  glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "camera"),
  glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "exposure"),
      use_luminance_ != NONE ? exposure_ * 1e-5 : exposure_);
  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "model_from_view"),
      1, true, model_from_view);
  glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "sun_direction"),
      cos(sun_azimuth_angle_radians_) * sin(sun_zenith_angle_radians_),
      sin(sun_azimuth_angle_radians_) * sin(sun_zenith_angle_radians_),

  glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

  if (show_help_) {
    std::stringstream help;
    help << "Mouse:\n"
         << " drag, CTRL+drag, wheel: view and sun directions\n"
         << "Keys:\n"
         << " h: help\n"
         << " s: solar spectrum (currently: "
         << (use_constant_solar_spectrum_ ? "constant" : "realistic") << ")\n"
         << " o: ozone (currently: " << (use_ozone_ ? "on" : "off") << ")\n"
         << " t: combine textures (currently: "
         << (use_combined_textures_ ? "on" : "off") << ")\n"
         << " p: half precision (currently: "
         << (use_half_precision_ ? "on" : "off") << ")\n"
         << " l: use luminance (currently: "
         << (use_luminance_ == PRECOMPUTED ? "precomputed" :
             (use_luminance_ == APPROXIMATE ? "approximate" : "off")) << ")\n"
         << " w: white balance (currently: "
         << (do_white_balance_ ? "on" : "off") << ")\n"
         << " +/-: increase/decrease exposure (" << exposure_ << ")\n"
         << " 1-9: predefined views\n";
    text_renderer_->SetColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    text_renderer_->DrawText(help.str(), 5, 4);


The other event handling methods are also straightforward, and do not interact with the atmosphere model:

void Demo::HandleReshapeEvent(int viewport_width, int viewport_height) {
  glViewport(0, 0, viewport_width, viewport_height);

  const float kFovY = 50.0 / 180.0 * kPi;
  const float kTanFovY = tan(kFovY / 2.0);
  float aspect_ratio = static_cast<float>(viewport_width) / viewport_height;

  // Transform matrix from clip space to camera space (i.e. the inverse of a
  // GL_PROJECTION matrix).
  float view_from_clip[16] = {
    kTanFovY * aspect_ratio, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    0.0, kTanFovY, 0.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "view_from_clip"), 1, true,

void Demo::HandleKeyboardEvent(unsigned char key) {
  if (key == 27) {
  } else if (key == 'h') {
    show_help_ = !show_help_;
  } else if (key == 's') {
    use_constant_solar_spectrum_ = !use_constant_solar_spectrum_;
  } else if (key == 'o') {
    use_ozone_ = !use_ozone_;
  } else if (key == 't') {
    use_combined_textures_ = !use_combined_textures_;
  } else if (key == 'p') {
    use_half_precision_ = !use_half_precision_;
  } else if (key == 'l') {
    switch (use_luminance_) {
      case NONE: use_luminance_ = APPROXIMATE; break;
      case APPROXIMATE: use_luminance_ = PRECOMPUTED; break;
      case PRECOMPUTED: use_luminance_ = NONE; break;
  } else if (key == 'w') {
    do_white_balance_ = !do_white_balance_;
  } else if (key == '+') {
    exposure_ *= 1.1;
  } else if (key == '-') {
    exposure_ /= 1.1;
  } else if (key == '1') {
    SetView(9000.0, 1.47, 0.0, 1.3, 3.0, 10.0);
  } else if (key == '2') {
    SetView(9000.0, 1.47, 0.0, 1.564, -3.0, 10.0);
  } else if (key == '3') {
    SetView(7000.0, 1.57, 0.0, 1.54, -2.96, 10.0);
  } else if (key == '4') {
    SetView(7000.0, 1.57, 0.0, 1.328, -3.044, 10.0);
  } else if (key == '5') {
    SetView(9000.0, 1.39, 0.0, 1.2, 0.7, 10.0);
  } else if (key == '6') {
    SetView(9000.0, 1.5, 0.0, 1.628, 1.05, 200.0);
  } else if (key == '7') {
    SetView(7000.0, 1.43, 0.0, 1.57, 1.34, 40.0);
  } else if (key == '8') {
    SetView(2.7e6, 0.81, 0.0, 1.57, 2.0, 10.0);
  } else if (key == '9') {
    SetView(1.2e7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.93, -2.0, 10.0);
  if (key == 's' || key == 'o' || key == 't' || key == 'p' || key == 'l' ||
      key == 'w') {

void Demo::HandleMouseClickEvent(
    int button, int state, int mouse_x, int mouse_y) {
  previous_mouse_x_ = mouse_x;
  previous_mouse_y_ = mouse_y;
  is_ctrl_key_pressed_ = (glutGetModifiers() & GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL) != 0;

  if ((button == 3) || (button == 4)) {
    if (state == GLUT_DOWN) {
      HandleMouseWheelEvent(button == 3 ? 1 : -1);

void Demo::HandleMouseDragEvent(int mouse_x, int mouse_y) {
  constexpr double kScale = 500.0;
  if (is_ctrl_key_pressed_) {
    sun_zenith_angle_radians_ -= (previous_mouse_y_ - mouse_y) / kScale;
    sun_zenith_angle_radians_ =
        std::max(0.0, std::min(kPi, sun_zenith_angle_radians_));
    sun_azimuth_angle_radians_ += (previous_mouse_x_ - mouse_x) / kScale;
  } else {
    view_zenith_angle_radians_ += (previous_mouse_y_ - mouse_y) / kScale;
    view_zenith_angle_radians_ =
        std::max(0.0, std::min(kPi / 2.0, view_zenith_angle_radians_));
    view_azimuth_angle_radians_ += (previous_mouse_x_ - mouse_x) / kScale;
  previous_mouse_x_ = mouse_x;
  previous_mouse_y_ = mouse_y;

void Demo::HandleMouseWheelEvent(int mouse_wheel_direction) {
  if (mouse_wheel_direction < 0) {
    view_distance_meters_ *= 1.05;
  } else {
    view_distance_meters_ /= 1.05;

void Demo::SetView(double view_distance_meters,
    double view_zenith_angle_radians, double view_azimuth_angle_radians,
    double sun_zenith_angle_radians, double sun_azimuth_angle_radians,
    double exposure) {
  view_distance_meters_ = view_distance_meters;
  view_zenith_angle_radians_ = view_zenith_angle_radians;
  view_azimuth_angle_radians_ = view_azimuth_angle_radians;
  sun_zenith_angle_radians_ = sun_zenith_angle_radians;
  sun_azimuth_angle_radians_ = sun_azimuth_angle_radians;
  exposure_ = exposure;

}  // namespace demo
}  // namespace atmosphere