
Our demo application consists of a single class, whose header is defined below. Besides a constructor and an initialization method, this class has one method per user interface event, and a few fields to store the current rendering options, the current camera and Sun parameters, as well as references to the atmosphere model and to the GLSL program, vertex buffers and text renderer used to render the scene and the help messages:


#include <glad/glad.h>

#include <memory>

#include "atmosphere/model.h"
#include "text/text_renderer.h"

namespace atmosphere {
namespace demo {

class Demo {
  Demo(int viewport_width, int viewport_height);

  const Model& model() const { return *model_; }
  const GLuint vertex_shader() const { return vertex_shader_; }
  const GLuint fragment_shader() const { return fragment_shader_; }
  const GLuint program() const { return program_; }

  enum Luminance {
    // Render the spectral radiance at kLambdaR, kLambdaG, kLambdaB.
    // Render the sRGB luminance, using an approximate (on the fly) conversion
    // from 3 spectral radiance values only (see section 14.3 in <a href=
    // "">A Qualitative and Quantitative
    //  Evaluation of 8 Clear Sky Models</a>).
    // Render the sRGB luminance, precomputed from 15 spectral radiance values
    // (see section 4.4 in <a href=
    // "">Real-time
    //  Spectral Scattering in Large-scale Natural Participating Media</a>).

  void InitModel();
  void HandleRedisplayEvent() const;
  void HandleReshapeEvent(int viewport_width, int viewport_height);
  void HandleKeyboardEvent(unsigned char key);
  void HandleMouseClickEvent(int button, int state, int mouse_x, int mouse_y);
  void HandleMouseDragEvent(int mouse_x, int mouse_y);
  void HandleMouseWheelEvent(int mouse_wheel_direction);
  void SetView(double view_distance_meters, double view_zenith_angle_radians,
      double view_azimuth_angle_radians, double sun_zenith_angle_radians,
      double sun_azimuth_angle_radians, double exposure);

  bool use_constant_solar_spectrum_;
  bool use_ozone_;
  bool use_combined_textures_;
  bool use_half_precision_;
  Luminance use_luminance_;
  bool do_white_balance_;
  bool show_help_;

  std::unique_ptr<Model> model_;
  GLuint vertex_shader_;
  GLuint fragment_shader_;
  GLuint program_;
  GLuint full_screen_quad_vao_;
  GLuint full_screen_quad_vbo_;
  std::unique_ptr<TextRenderer> text_renderer_;
  int window_id_;

  double view_distance_meters_;
  double view_zenith_angle_radians_;
  double view_azimuth_angle_radians_;
  double sun_zenith_angle_radians_;
  double sun_azimuth_angle_radians_;
  double exposure_;

  int previous_mouse_x_;
  int previous_mouse_y_;
  bool is_ctrl_key_pressed_;

}  // namespace demo
}  // namespace atmosphere