
This file implements our atmosphere model on CPU. Its main role is to precompute the transmittance, scattering and irradiance textures. The C++ functions to precompute them are provided in functions.h, but they are not sufficient. They must be called on each texel of the precomputed textures, and these textures must be computed in the correct order, with the correct input an output textures, to precompute each scattering order in sequence, as described in Algorithm 4.1 of our paper. This is the role of the following code.

We start by including the files we need:

#include "atmosphere/reference/model.h"

#include "atmosphere/reference/functions.h"
#include "util/progress_bar.h"

The constructor of the Model class allocates the precomputed textures, but does not initialize them.

namespace atmosphere {
namespace reference {

Model::Model(const AtmosphereParameters& atmosphere,
             const std::string& cache_directory)
    : atmosphere_(atmosphere),
      cache_directory_(cache_directory) {
  transmittance_texture_.reset(new TransmittanceTexture());
  scattering_texture_.reset(new ReducedScatteringTexture());
  single_mie_scattering_texture_.reset(new ReducedScatteringTexture());
  irradiance_texture_.reset(new IrradianceTexture());

The initialization is done in the following method, which first tries to load the textures from disk, if they have already been precomputed.

void Model::Init(unsigned int num_scattering_orders) {
  std::ifstream file; + "transmittance.dat");
  if (file.good()) {
    transmittance_texture_->Load(cache_directory_ + "transmittance.dat");
    scattering_texture_->Load(cache_directory_ + "scattering.dat");
        cache_directory_ + "single_mie_scattering.dat");
    irradiance_texture_->Load(cache_directory_ + "irradiance.dat");

If they have not already been precomputed, we must compute them here. This computation requires some temporary textures, in particular to store the contribution of one scattering order, which is needed to compute the next order of scattering (the final precomputed textures store the sum of all the scattering orders). We allocate these textures here (they are automatically destroyed at the end of this method).

      delta_irradiance_texture(new IrradianceTexture());
      delta_rayleigh_scattering_texture(new ReducedScatteringTexture());
  ReducedScatteringTexture* delta_mie_scattering_texture =
      delta_scattering_density_texture(new ScatteringDensityTexture());
      delta_multiple_scattering_texture(new ScatteringTexture());

Since the computation phase takes several minutes, we show a progress bar to provide feedback to the user. The following constants roughly represent the relative duration of each computation phase, and are used to display a progress value which is roughly proportional to the elapsed time.

  constexpr unsigned int kTransmittanceProgress = 1;
  constexpr unsigned int kDirectIrradianceProgress = 1;
  constexpr unsigned int kSingleScatteringProgress = 10;
  constexpr unsigned int kScatteringDensityProgress = 100;
  constexpr unsigned int kIndirectIrradianceProgress = 10;
  constexpr unsigned int kMultipleScatteringProgress = 10;
  const unsigned int kTotalProgress =
          kTransmittanceProgress +
          kDirectIrradianceProgress +
          kIndirectIrradianceProgress * (num_scattering_orders - 1)) +
              kSingleScatteringProgress +
              (kScatteringDensityProgress + kMultipleScatteringProgress) *
                  (num_scattering_orders - 1));

  ProgressBar progress_bar(kTotalProgress);

The remaining code of this method implements Algorithm 4.1 of our paper, using several threads to speed up computations (by computing several texels of a texture in parallel).

  // Compute the transmittance, and store it in transmittance_texture_.
  RunJobs([&](unsigned int j) {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TRANSMITTANCE_TEXTURE_WIDTH; ++i) {
      transmittance_texture_->Set(i, j,
              atmosphere_, vec2(i + 0.5, j + 0.5)));

  // Compute the direct irradiance, store it in delta_irradiance_texture, and
  // initialize irradiance_texture_ with zeros (we don't want the direct
  // irradiance in irradiance_texture_, but only the irradiance from the sky).
  RunJobs([&](unsigned int j) {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IRRADIANCE_TEXTURE_WIDTH; ++i) {
      delta_irradiance_texture->Set(i, j,
              atmosphere_, *transmittance_texture_, vec2(i + 0.5, j + 0.5)));
          i, j, IrradianceSpectrum(0.0 * watt_per_square_meter_per_nm));

  // Compute the rayleigh and mie single scattering, and store them in
  // delta_rayleigh_scattering_texture and delta_mie_scattering_texture, as well
  // as in scattering_texture.
  RunJobs([&](unsigned int k) {
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < SCATTERING_TEXTURE_HEIGHT; ++j) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SCATTERING_TEXTURE_WIDTH; ++i) {
        IrradianceSpectrum rayleigh;
        IrradianceSpectrum mie;
        ComputeSingleScatteringTexture(atmosphere_, *transmittance_texture_,
            vec3(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, k + 0.5), rayleigh, mie);
        delta_rayleigh_scattering_texture->Set(i, j, k, rayleigh);
        delta_mie_scattering_texture->Set(i, j, k, mie);
        scattering_texture_->Set(i, j, k, rayleigh);

  // Compute the 2nd, 3rd and 4th order of scattering, in sequence.
  for (unsigned int scattering_order = 2;
       scattering_order <= num_scattering_orders;
       ++scattering_order) {
    // Compute the scattering density, and store it in
    // delta_scattering_density_texture.
    RunJobs([&](unsigned int k) {
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < SCATTERING_TEXTURE_HEIGHT; ++j) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SCATTERING_TEXTURE_WIDTH; ++i) {
          RadianceDensitySpectrum scattering_density;
          scattering_density = ComputeScatteringDensityTexture(atmosphere_,
              *transmittance_texture_, *delta_rayleigh_scattering_texture,
              *delta_multiple_scattering_texture, *delta_irradiance_texture,
              vec3(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, k + 0.5), scattering_order);
          delta_scattering_density_texture->Set(i, j, k, scattering_density);

    // Compute the indirect irradiance, store it in delta_irradiance_texture and
    // accumulate it in irradiance_texture_.
    RunJobs([&](unsigned int j) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IRRADIANCE_TEXTURE_WIDTH; ++i) {
        IrradianceSpectrum delta_irradiance;
        delta_irradiance = ComputeIndirectIrradianceTexture(
            atmosphere_, *delta_rayleigh_scattering_texture,
            *delta_mie_scattering_texture, *delta_multiple_scattering_texture,
            vec2(i + 0.5, j + 0.5), scattering_order - 1);
        delta_irradiance_texture->Set(i, j, delta_irradiance);
    (*irradiance_texture_) += *delta_irradiance_texture;

    // Compute the multiple scattering, store it in
    // delta_multiple_scattering_texture, and accumulate it in
    // scattering_texture_.
    RunJobs([&](unsigned int k) {
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < SCATTERING_TEXTURE_HEIGHT; ++j) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SCATTERING_TEXTURE_WIDTH; ++i) {
          RadianceSpectrum delta_multiple_scattering;
          Number nu;
          delta_multiple_scattering = ComputeMultipleScatteringTexture(
              atmosphere_, *transmittance_texture_,
              vec3(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, k + 0.5), nu);
              i, j, k, delta_multiple_scattering);
          scattering_texture_->Set(i, j, k,
              scattering_texture_->Get(i, j, k) +
              delta_multiple_scattering * (1.0 / RayleighPhaseFunction(nu)));

  transmittance_texture_->Save(cache_directory_ + "transmittance.dat");
  scattering_texture_->Save(cache_directory_ + "scattering.dat");
      cache_directory_ + "single_mie_scattering.dat");
  irradiance_texture_->Save(cache_directory_ + "irradiance.dat");

Once the textures have been computed or loaded from the cache, they can be used to compute the sky radiance and the sun and sky irradiance. The functions for doing that are provided in functions.h and we just need here to wrap them in their corresponding methods (except for the solar radiance, which can be directly computed from the model parameters):

RadianceSpectrum Model::GetSolarRadiance() const {
  SolidAngle sun_solid_angle = 2.0 * PI *
      (1.0 - cos(atmosphere_.sun_angular_radius)) * sr;
  return atmosphere_.solar_irradiance * (1.0 / sun_solid_angle);

RadianceSpectrum Model::GetSkyRadiance(Position camera, Direction view_ray,
    Length shadow_length, Direction sun_direction,
    DimensionlessSpectrum* transmittance) const {
  return reference::GetSkyRadiance(atmosphere_, *transmittance_texture_,
      *scattering_texture_, *single_mie_scattering_texture_,
      camera, view_ray, shadow_length, sun_direction, *transmittance);

RadianceSpectrum Model::GetSkyRadianceToPoint(Position camera, Position point,
    Length shadow_length, Direction sun_direction,
    DimensionlessSpectrum* transmittance) const {
  return reference::GetSkyRadianceToPoint(atmosphere_, *transmittance_texture_,
      *scattering_texture_, *single_mie_scattering_texture_,
      camera, point, shadow_length, sun_direction, *transmittance);

IrradianceSpectrum Model::GetSunAndSkyIrradiance(Position point,
    Direction normal, Direction sun_direction,
    IrradianceSpectrum* sky_irradiance) const {
  return reference::GetSunAndSkyIrradiance(atmosphere_, *transmittance_texture_,
      *irradiance_texture_, point, normal, sun_direction, *sky_irradiance);

}  // namespace reference
}  // namespace atmosphere