
This GLSL file defines the physical types and constants which are used in the main functions of our atmosphere model, in such a way that they can be compiled by a GLSL compiler (a C++ equivalent of this file provides the same types and constants in C++, to allow the same functions to be compiled by a C++ compiler - see the Introduction).

Physical quantities

The physical quantities we need for our atmosphere model are radiometric and photometric quantities. In GLSL we can't define custom numeric types to enforce the homogeneity of expressions at compile time, so we define all the physical quantities as float, with preprocessor macros (there is no typedef in GLSL).

We start with six base quantities: length, wavelength, angle, solid angle, power and luminous power (wavelength is also a length, but we distinguish the two for increased clarity).

#define Length float
#define Wavelength float
#define Angle float
#define SolidAngle float
#define Power float
#define LuminousPower float

From this we "derive" the irradiance, radiance, spectral irradiance, spectral radiance, luminance, etc, as well pure numbers, area, volume, etc (the actual derivation is done in the C++ equivalent of this file).

#define Number float
#define InverseLength float
#define Area float
#define Volume float
#define NumberDensity float
#define Irradiance float
#define Radiance float
#define SpectralPower float
#define SpectralIrradiance float
#define SpectralRadiance float
#define SpectralRadianceDensity float
#define ScatteringCoefficient float
#define InverseSolidAngle float
#define LuminousIntensity float
#define Luminance float
#define Illuminance float

We also need vectors of physical quantities, mostly to represent functions depending on the wavelength. In this case the vector elements correspond to values of a function at some predefined wavelengths. Again, in GLSL we can't define custom vector types to enforce the homogeneity of expressions at compile time, so we define these vector types as vec3, with preprocessor macros. The full definitions are given in the C++ equivalent of this file).

// A generic function from Wavelength to some other type.
#define AbstractSpectrum vec3
// A function from Wavelength to Number.
#define DimensionlessSpectrum vec3
// A function from Wavelength to SpectralPower.
#define PowerSpectrum vec3
// A function from Wavelength to SpectralIrradiance.
#define IrradianceSpectrum vec3
// A function from Wavelength to SpectralRadiance.
#define RadianceSpectrum vec3
// A function from Wavelength to SpectralRadianceDensity.
#define RadianceDensitySpectrum vec3
// A function from Wavelength to ScaterringCoefficient.
#define ScatteringSpectrum vec3

// A position in 3D (3 length values).
#define Position vec3
// A unit direction vector in 3D (3 unitless values).
#define Direction vec3
// A vector of 3 luminance values.
#define Luminance3 vec3
// A vector of 3 illuminance values.
#define Illuminance3 vec3

Finally, we also need precomputed textures containing physical quantities in each texel. Since we can't define custom sampler types to enforce the homogeneity of expressions at compile time in GLSL, we define these texture types as sampler2D and sampler3D, with preprocessor macros. The full definitions are given in the C++ equivalent of this file).

#define TransmittanceTexture sampler2D
#define AbstractScatteringTexture sampler3D
#define ReducedScatteringTexture sampler3D
#define ScatteringTexture sampler3D
#define ScatteringDensityTexture sampler3D
#define IrradianceTexture sampler2D

Physical units

We can then define the units for our six base physical quantities: meter (m), nanometer (nm), radian (rad), steradian (sr), watt (watt) and lumen (lm):

const Length m = 1.0;
const Wavelength nm = 1.0;
const Angle rad = 1.0;
const SolidAngle sr = 1.0;
const Power watt = 1.0;
const LuminousPower lm = 1.0;

From which we can derive the units for some derived physical quantities, as well as some derived units (kilometer km, kilocandela kcd, degree deg):

const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846;

const Length km = 1000.0 * m;
const Area m2 = m * m;
const Volume m3 = m * m * m;
const Angle pi = PI * rad;
const Angle deg = pi / 180.0;
const Irradiance watt_per_square_meter = watt / m2;
const Radiance watt_per_square_meter_per_sr = watt / (m2 * sr);
const SpectralIrradiance watt_per_square_meter_per_nm = watt / (m2 * nm);
const SpectralRadiance watt_per_square_meter_per_sr_per_nm =
    watt / (m2 * sr * nm);
const SpectralRadianceDensity watt_per_cubic_meter_per_sr_per_nm =
    watt / (m3 * sr * nm);
const LuminousIntensity cd = lm / sr;
const LuminousIntensity kcd = 1000.0 * cd;
const Luminance cd_per_square_meter = cd / m2;
const Luminance kcd_per_square_meter = kcd / m2;

Atmosphere parameters

Using the above types, we can now define the parameters of our atmosphere model. We start with the definition of density profiles, which are needed for parameters that depend on the altitude:

// An atmosphere layer of width 'width', and whose density is defined as
//   'exp_term' * exp('exp_scale' * h) + 'linear_term' * h + 'constant_term',
// clamped to [0,1], and where h is the altitude.
struct DensityProfileLayer {
  Length width;
  Number exp_term;
  InverseLength exp_scale;
  InverseLength linear_term;
  Number constant_term;

// An atmosphere density profile made of several layers on top of each other
// (from bottom to top). The width of the last layer is ignored, i.e. it always
// extend to the top atmosphere boundary. The profile values vary between 0
// (null density) to 1 (maximum density).
struct DensityProfile {
  DensityProfileLayer layers[2];
The atmosphere parameters are then defined by the following struct:
struct AtmosphereParameters {
  // The solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere.
  IrradianceSpectrum solar_irradiance;
  // The sun's angular radius. Warning: the implementation uses approximations
  // that are valid only if this angle is smaller than 0.1 radians.
  Angle sun_angular_radius;
  // The distance between the planet center and the bottom of the atmosphere.
  Length bottom_radius;
  // The distance between the planet center and the top of the atmosphere.
  Length top_radius;
  // The density profile of air molecules, i.e. a function from altitude to
  // dimensionless values between 0 (null density) and 1 (maximum density).
  DensityProfile rayleigh_density;
  // The scattering coefficient of air molecules at the altitude where their
  // density is maximum (usually the bottom of the atmosphere), as a function of
  // wavelength. The scattering coefficient at altitude h is equal to
  // 'rayleigh_scattering' times 'rayleigh_density' at this altitude.
  ScatteringSpectrum rayleigh_scattering;
  // The density profile of aerosols, i.e. a function from altitude to
  // dimensionless values between 0 (null density) and 1 (maximum density).
  DensityProfile mie_density;
  // The scattering coefficient of aerosols at the altitude where their density
  // is maximum (usually the bottom of the atmosphere), as a function of
  // wavelength. The scattering coefficient at altitude h is equal to
  // 'mie_scattering' times 'mie_density' at this altitude.
  ScatteringSpectrum mie_scattering;
  // The extinction coefficient of aerosols at the altitude where their density
  // is maximum (usually the bottom of the atmosphere), as a function of
  // wavelength. The extinction coefficient at altitude h is equal to
  // 'mie_extinction' times 'mie_density' at this altitude.
  ScatteringSpectrum mie_extinction;
  // The asymetry parameter for the Cornette-Shanks phase function for the
  // aerosols.
  Number mie_phase_function_g;
  // The density profile of air molecules that absorb light (e.g. ozone), i.e.
  // a function from altitude to dimensionless values between 0 (null density)
  // and 1 (maximum density).
  DensityProfile absorption_density;
  // The extinction coefficient of molecules that absorb light (e.g. ozone) at
  // the altitude where their density is maximum, as a function of wavelength.
  // The extinction coefficient at altitude h is equal to
  // 'absorption_extinction' times 'absorption_density' at this altitude.
  ScatteringSpectrum absorption_extinction;
  // The average albedo of the ground.
  DimensionlessSpectrum ground_albedo;
  // The cosine of the maximum Sun zenith angle for which atmospheric scattering
  // must be precomputed (for maximum precision, use the smallest Sun zenith
  // angle yielding negligible sky light radiance values. For instance, for the
  // Earth case, 102 degrees is a good choice - yielding mu_s_min = -0.2).
  Number mu_s_min;