
This file declares the preprocessing functions that generate the precomputed textures of our black hole model. It also declares the GLSL functions that implement this model, and in particular the ones using the precomputed textures. The goal is to be able to check, in unit tests, that ray deflection and accretion disc intersections, obtained via the precomputed textures, are close to reference values computed via direct numerical integration.

Note: the code uses the same notations as those defined in our black hole model. For example, p_r and delta refer to $p^r$ and $\delta$, the origin and initial direction of a light ray, alpha refers to the orientation $\alpha$ of the accretion disc, u_ic and u_oc are the inverse of its inner and outer radius, etc.


#include "black_hole/preprocess/definitions.h"

namespace black_hole {
namespace preprocess {

// Declares a C++ header for the functions in 'functions.glsl', and for some
// additional functions used to precompute the textures required by the glsl
// functions.

Real GetUapsisFromEsquare(Real e_square);

// Ray deflection texture: mapping, lookup & precomputations.

Real GetRayDeflectionTextureUFromEsquare(Real e_square);

Real GetRayDeflectionTextureVFromEsquareAndU(Real e_square, Real u);

Real GetTextureCoordFromUnitRange(Real x, int texture_size);

Real GetEsquareFromRayDeflectionTextureU(Real tex_u);

TimedAngle LookupRayDeflection(const RayDeflectionTexture &texture,
                               Real e_square, Real u,
                               TimedAngle &deflection_apsis);

void ComputeRayDeflectionTexture(RayDeflectionTexture *texture);

// Ray inverse radius texture: mapping, lookup & precomputations.

dimensional::Angle GetPhiUpFromEsquare(Real e_square);

Real GetRayInverseRadiusTextureUFromEsquare(Real e_square);

Real GetEsquareFromRayInverseRadiusTextureU(Real tex_u);

TimedInverseDistance LookupRayInverseRadius(
    const RayInverseRadiusTexture &texture, Real e_square,
    dimensional::Angle phi);

void ComputeRayInverseRadiusTexture(RayInverseRadiusTexture *texture);

// Ray "tracing" using the above precomputed textures. Returns the ray
// deflection, or -1 if the ray falls into the black hole. The accretion disc
// intersections, if any, are output in (u0, phi0, t0) and (u1, phi1, t1), with
// ti the light propagation time between the intersection and the camera (must
// be subtracted from the camera time to get the retarded time). ui is set to -1
// if there is no intersection. alpha0 and alpha1 are anti-aliasing opacity
// values.

dimensional::Angle TraceRay(
    const RayDeflectionTexture &ray_deflection_texture,
    const RayInverseRadiusTexture &ray_inverse_radius_texture, Real p_r,
    dimensional::Angle delta, dimensional::Angle alpha, Real u_ic, Real u_oc,
    Real &u0, dimensional::Angle &phi0, Real &t0, Real &alpha0, Real &u1,
    dimensional::Angle &phi1, Real &t1, Real &alpha1);

}  // namespace preprocess
}  // namespace black_hole